A common saying is: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Likewise, some marriages are on the point where the following will apply: “A smile a day keeps Shaitaan away.” This refers to keeping Shaitaan away from destroying the marriage.
In many cases, the husband looking at his wife once in the day with love and affection, and the wife speaking even once a day in a soft and loving tone to the husband, may be enough to keep the marriage alive. Obviously, the more this happens, the better.
Unfortunately, some wives will speak to strangers in sweet tones, and likewise some husbands will speak with much compassion and even affection to customers, colleagues and other strange women. This is haraam as sweet tones and affection must be directed to the spouse, not strangers.
Out of need, when one has to speak to a non-mahram, then it should be ‘short and sour’ (direct and straight to the point), due to which the person being addressed will not have the courage to unnecessarily lengthen the conversation. We should also lower and protect our gaze as this will help us to appreciate the beauty of our spouse.