1 chicken cut into 9 pieces or 1kg mutton
2 onions sliced
Salt to taste
4 tsp whole jeeru
2 level tblsp ginger garlic masala
1 ½ level tblsp fresh ground green chillies
1 tin whole peeled tomatoes liquidized
3 cups rice parboiled in salt water
4 cups grated carrots
3 fresh green chillies
Handful of fresh dhania chopped
1 ½ tsp fine jeeru
1 tsp fine black pepper
Vagaar for topping:
2 tblsp sultanas
3 tblsp pine kernels
½ cup ghee
Sauté onions in 3 tbslp oil and 1 tsp whole jeeru. Add in meat, ginger garlic, fresh ground green chillies and salt. Cook until oil is up. Add in whole peeled tomatoes and 2 cups of carrots. When rice is halfway done, add 2 cups carrots to rice. Drain rice and pour cold water over rice. Add 3 tsp whole jeeru to rice.
Arrange sliced potatoes at the bottom of a deep pot. Pour quarter cup of oil over potatoes and spread half cup of rice over it. Arrange meat over rice and spread a little masala over it. Mix remaining masala into half of the rice and add on top of meat. Add remaining rice and ¼ cup of ghee on top of rice.
Steam rice with one cup of water.
Once rice is steamed add vagaar over rice.
Serve with dahi and paaper.