Assalaamu ‘alaikum
Respected ‘Ulama
How should a Muslim cope with depression? Can a Muslim take medication for depression?
Bismihi Ta‘ala
Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barkaatuh
Respected Sister in Islam
1. Depression is a medical condition. Therefore, depending on the severity of the condition you should seek medical help to relieve you of this problem.
2. This is a state of the mind, hence those who can keep themselves positive and overcome the negativity that has brought about that depression may not even need any medical intervention. One of the most effective things in this regard is turning oneself towards Allah Ta‘ala. If a person’s heart is filled with zikr and shukr (gratitude), and he keeps making du‘aa, insha-Allah he will not be overwhelmed by the challenges and situations that sometimes confront him, and despite the concerns or even physical difficulties, he will still overall remain positive.
3. Daily engage in tilaawat of the Quraan Majeed, recitation of istighfaar at least 100 times and the recitation of the third kalimah together with “La howla wa la quwwata illa bil-laahil ‘aliyyil ‘azeem”. This will bring tremendous strength to the heart and will, insha-Allah, help you to become more positive.
4. You should also set a time daily for muraaqabah (meditation) of shukr. This entails sitting and pondering over the various bounties and favours that Allah Ta‘ala has favoured you with. Take the name of each bounty and express shukr deeply from the heart by saying ALHAMDULILLAH. For example, say, “O Allah, You blessed me with imaan, ALHAMDULILLAH. O Allah, You blessed me with the Quraan Majeed, ALHAMDULILLAH. O Allah, You blessed me with being born in a Muslim home, ALHAMDULILLAH” and so forth. The next day, count all the physical blessings that Allah Ta‘ala has blessed you with, such as, “O Allah, You gave me eyes to see, ALHAMDULILLAH. Had I been blind what would have been my condition? O Allah, You blessed me with ears so that I can hear, ALHAMDULILLAH,” and so forth. The next day, meditate over all the favours of Allah Ta‘ala in your home, then in your family, etc. Insha-Allah by regularly doing this, it will also help to create positivity and fill the heart with gratitude towards Allah Ta‘ala.
5. Do not remain idle. Keep yourself positively occupied. Do not keep thinking too much about issues.
6. Wherever possible, remain in good, pious company and be light hearted at times. This too helps to create a positive situation. Smile at those in the family, etc. Do not remain in a negative state.
May Allah Ta‘ala assist you and give you complete cure from every ailment.
Answered by:
Uswatul Muslimah Panel of ‘Ulama