Imagine receiving an elaborately wrapped gift platter filled with the most exotic sweet meats. From burfee to magaj and jalebee to halwa, the platter promises the taste buds a trip to gastronomic ‘heaven’. However, as you undo the wrapping and pull back the cellophane, you see a flash of movement. No! A giant cockroach darts out from behind the burfee block and climbs over the goolaab jamoon in its race for freedom!
This is a typical example of an anti-climax. A person expected one thing, and everything seemed promising, and suddenly, things turned out completely contrary to expectations.
‘Eid is the occasion when the servants of Allah Ta‘ala receive their prizes and rewards for obeying Allah Ta‘ala and worshipping Him faithfully throughout the month of Ramadhaan. Hence, although ‘Eid is a joyous occasion, a Muslim’s greatest concern is that Allah Ta‘ala should crown his efforts with acceptance. If Allah Ta‘ala does not accept his efforts, his hunger and exertion would have been to little or no avail.
Bearing this in mind, a Muslim will thus ensure that he continues to obey Allah Ta‘ala on this day, not descend into sin and transgression. In this regard, some of the avenues of sin that are most common on this occasion are those of intermingling between non-mahram men and women, dressing inappropriately (e.g. revealing or body hugging clothing) and being lax regarding salaah.
To commit such sins on any occasion is bad – but on the occasion of ‘Eid is even worse. By behaving in this manner, how do we hope to gain the acceptance of Allah Ta‘ala?
When the cockroach is found in the platter, nobody wants to partake of the sweetmeats. Similarly, when the Day of ‘Eid is spoilt with sin, it taints the efforts of the entire month of Ramadhaan.
May Allah Ta‘ala bless us all on this joyous occasion and crown our broken efforts with His acceptance.