Correspondence of Hazrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (rahimahullah)
I am saying this with much remorse that I had a relationship (affair) with a person in the last one year. He is 36 years old while I am 26 years old. This relationship is restricted to talking with each other. He is regular with his salaah, fasting, etc. but remains in the company of those who combine worldly engagements with deen. Our relationship was very minimal. But I still agree that this relationship is wrong. I would like to end this relationship in order to obtain the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala. He did not say any loving words to me. He has many domestic responsibilities and therefore speaks little to me. Furthermore, we live in different towns. It is probably for these reasons that although I am committing the sin of having a relationship with him, I have saved myself from many other sins. He himself considers it a major sin if this relationship were to go beyond the limits.
Remember, if this continues, the limits will not remain and you will not be able to save yourself from a major sin. It is a serious sin in itself to meet a non-mahram and converse with him. It is therefore better for you to marry him. If not, sever all ties with him for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala and to save yourself from the punishment of the Hereafter.
When will these worries come to an end? People fall into sin and are still able to live peacefully. But I am restless both by committing sins and also by not committing them. I have no happiness whatsoever.
This thinking of yours is incorrect. Those who fall into sin have no peace whatsoever. Their hearts are restless. A hadeeth states that the treatment for love is marriage so that the person may save himself from sin. Instead of meeting him, you should marry him. If not, you have to observe purdah with non-mahrams. (Solutions to Spiritual Maladies for the Lovers of Allah Ta‘ala, pg. 533)