In the previous article, we read some of the golden advices which Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) had given to Abu ‘Abdis Samad, the tutor of Haaroon Rasheed’s children, in regard to how he should attend to their upbringing. Below is another advice which Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) gave him:
“Ensure that you teach them the kitaab of Allah Ta‘ala (i.e. the Quraan Majeed), but do not force them to learn it for then they will lose interest in it (i.e. you should instil the love for the Quraan Majeed in their hearts so that they learn it with enthusiasm). Do not leave out teaching them the Quraan Majeed, for if you do so, they will leave the Quraan Majeed (i.e. they will never develop the love and connection with the Quraan Majeed which every believer should have in his heart).” (Hilyatul Awliyaa vol. 7, pg. 286)
The above advice of Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) regarding teaching the Quraan Majeed to one’s children is extracted from the advice which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) himself had given in regard to the upbringing of children.
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) once said, “Instil three qualities into your children when raising them; the love for your Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), the love for his Ahlul Bayt (the blessed family and household of Rasulullah [sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam]), and the quality of reciting (and memorizing) the Quraan, for the bearers of the Quraan (i.e. the huffaaz who constantly recite it and practice on it) will be in the shade of (the throne of) Allah Ta‘ala, on that day when there will be no other shade, together with the Ambiyaa of Allah Ta‘ala and His selected, special servants.” (Faidhul Qadeer #311)
When this is the great virtue which will be enjoyed by the haafiz on the Day of Qiyaamah, and the parents of the haafiz will also be honoured by being made to wear beautiful crowns, then we should all aspire and desire to make our children memorize the entire Quraan Majeed. If our children are unable to memorize the entire Quraan Majeed, then they should at least be made to memorize some portion which they can manage.
Together with this, we must instil in their hearts the quality of punctual daily recitation of the Quraan Majeed (those who are haafiz and not haafiz), for the more they will recite, the deeper their attachment to the Quraan Majeed will become, and the closer and dearer they will become to Allah Ta‘ala.
Nevertheless, in his advice above, Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) mentioned a pertinent point – the child should not be taught the Quraan Majeed in such a manner that he/she begins to resent it (Allah Ta‘ala forbid!). Rather, the parent (and teachers as well i.e. Moulana, Aapa, etc.) should make an effort to teach the child in such a manner that he/she begins to love the Quraan Majeed.
It is definitely the compulsory duty of the parent to ensure that the child learns the Quraan Majeed. Children being children, they will certainly require some discipline from time to time. BUT – such a stern approach should not be used all the time due to which the child begins to view learning the Quraan as a burden and begins to associate the Quraan Majeed with punishment.
The attitude of the child towards the Quraan Majeed is first moulded at home, as it is the attitude which the parents show towards the Quraan Majeed that will undoubtedly rub off on the child. If the parents conduct as though reciting the Quraan Majeed is a burden (Allah Ta‘ala forbid!), then the child will also view his time in madrasah as a burden. Accordingly, he will not be receptive and will eventually frustrate himself and others, leading to resentment. It is often observed that such a child, without the threat of discipline, will never feel inclined to open or recite the Quraan Majeed, as the essential element of love is missing.
On the contrary, if the child observes his parents reciting the Quraan Majeed daily, with dedication, love and devotion, then his heart will definitely be affected and the colours will undoubtedly rub off.
Furthermore, the child should regularly be reminded of the immense virtues of learning and reciting the Quraan Majeed by conducting daily home ta’leem of Fazail-e-A’maal and reading from the section “Virtues of the Holy Quraan”. By reading about these rewards, and reminding the child that he will acquire them through learning the Quraan Majeed, his heart will naturally desire to attend madrasah and learn.
When the child completes some significant portion of the Quraan Majeed (e.g. his first para/juz), then since this is an occasion of joy, we may give him some gift and encourage him to continue and persevere. In fact, the gift given on such an occasion should be far better than a prize that he may receive for some school achievement, so that the child understands that no school achievement or worldly achievement can compare to being blessed with some portion of the Quraan Majeed.
Insha-Allah, if a loving and positive approach is used when teaching children the Quraan Majeed, they will develop love for the Quraan Majeed and will become closer to Allah Ta‘ala. When we, as the parents or teachers, were the means for them learning the Quraan Majeed and developing love for it, then for every letter that they will recite, we will also receive reward.
May Allah Ta‘ala bless us and our children with true love for the Quraan Majeed, aameen.