Many people start many things, but very few finish them. For example, most of us will know quite a few people who started diets and weight-loss regimens, but we know very few who stuck with them until the end. Rather, most of them quietly quit after a month or two.
The challenge, with all goals, is to remain motivated and focused.
Among the aspects that are required in order for one to remain motivated and focused are the following: (1) reminding oneself of the importance and significance of one’s goal, (2) avoiding distractions, (3) keeping the company of others who are motivated.
Among the greatest of goals that every Muslim should have is the goal to spend the blessed month of Ramadhaan in the manner which is pleasing to Allah Ta‘ala, refraining from sins and exerting in ‘ibaadah. As the month began, most people were psyched up and highly motivated. As such, the masjids were filled to capacity, people engaged in extra ‘ibaadah and tried to refrain from sins.
However, as the days went by, many people unfortunately began to find their enthusiasm and motivation weakening. Gradually, a decrease was seen in the number of people coming to the masjid, in the number of pages/paras recited from the Quraan Majeed daily, and in the time spent engaging in nafl ‘ibaadaat.
This is most alarming and worrying indeed, as we cannot afford to allow the precious moments of Ramadhaan to pass us by with us failing to benefit. In fact, if the wane and decrease in motivation and focus continues, we will lose even more as we will find ourselves floundering when the highlight of Ramadhaan arrives – the last ten nights.
The last ten nights of Ramadhaan are the period in which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) would exert himself even more than before. Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power), which is equal to one thousand months in virtue, is found on one of the odd nights from the last ten nights of Ramadhaan.
How unfortunate indeed is the one who witnesses this blessed night, yet due to not feeling motivated, he fails to take advantage and thus misses out!
Thus, in order to remain motivated, we need to focus on the three aspects mentioned above:
Firstly, we need to remind ourselves of the greatness and immense virtues of Ramadhaan, and especially the virtues of the last ten days. Conducting daily ta’leem from Fazaail-e-Ramadhaan, and reading from the relevant sections, will insha-Allah prove most beneficial in this regard.
Secondly, we need to avoid all distractions – especially the cell phone. Though the day of ‘Eid is approaching, we should not waste the precious moments of Ramadhaan browsing the net or social media looking for ‘Eid cake ideas and ‘Eid dessert inspirations (or for anything else which is not urgent and necessary), as many valuable hours will be lost like this.
Finally, we need to keep the company of those who are motivated. One easy method for women to do this is for them to listen to the Ramadhaan programmes of the senior, pious ‘Ulama (over livestreaming or receivers, etc.). Insha-Allah, through listening to their golden advices, we will benefit tremendously and will be able to remain focused and motivated.
May Allah Ta‘ala keep us all motivated and focused, bless us in this Ramadhaan, and accept our broken efforts, aameen.