During the initial stages of the British rule in India, there arose a dispute between the Muslims and Hindus regarding a plot of land in Kaandhlah. The Muslims claimed that the plot belonged to the Muslims and was earmarked for a masjid whereas the Hindus claimed that it was theirs for a temple.

After giving both parties a chance to present their case, the English magistrate asked the Muslims, “Is there any Hindu person in whom you have such implicit trust and confidence that, based on his testimony, we will be able to resolve this matter?” The Muslims immediately replied in the negative.

When the Hindus were asked whether they trusted any Muslim enough to accept his testimony, they replied, “If the person testifying is either Muslim or Hindu, there will be the fear that he is biased. However, we know of one pious Muslim who has never been known to utter a lie. Perhaps he will refrain from lying on this occasion as well.” Saying this, they consented to accept the testimony of Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah), who was the brother of Mufti Ilaahi Bakhsh (rahimahullah).

The magistrate dispatched a clerk to go to Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) and request him to come to the court. Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah), however, refused to go to court and said, “I have taken an oath that I will never look at the face of a British person” (this was on account of the massacre, oppression and tyranny for which the British were responsible).

On hearing his response, the magistrate sent him a second message in which he pleaded, saying, “There is no need for you to look at my face. However, please come to court as without you we will be unable to resolve this matter.”

Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) agreed and went to court where he stood with his back to the magistrate. After hearing the case, the magistrate asked him whether, according to his knowledge, the land belonged to the Muslims or Hindus. At this crucial juncture, all eyes were trained on him, awaiting his statement with bated breath. Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) stated calmly, “The truth of the matter is that the land belongs to the Hindus. The Muslims have no claim to it.”

Judgment was accordingly passed in favour of the Hindus and they secured the possession of the land. On that day, the Muslims lost but Islam won. The Muslims may have lost a plot of land, but the honesty which Islam advocates was upheld.

The result of upholding Islam in this uncompromising manner was that many Hindus were overcome by the honesty of Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) and came forward to accept Islam at his hands.

(Maazaa Khasiral ‘Aalam pg. 267, Jawaahir Paare vol. 2, pg. 17 and Insaani Dunya par Musalmano ke ‘Urooj wa Zawaal ka Asar pg. 295)     


Honesty, integrity and other such values belong to Islam. When a Muslim makes these qualities a part of his life, he portrays true Islam and becomes an ambassador of Deen. Wherever he goes in life, people interacting with him are attracted to Islam.

How sad it is that Muslims have lost these qualities and are thus viewed with suspicion by the kuffaar, whereas some kuffaar have adopted Islamic qualities and are thus admired by Muslims!