(Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] – Part Two)

When the oppression and tyranny of the disbelievers in Makkah Mukarramah became intolerable for the Muslims, they were permitted to migrate to Abyssinia. Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and his son were among those who participated in this migration. While they were in Abyssinia, the rumour spread that the Quraish had accepted Islam and had joined hands with Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Thus, the Muslims who were living in Abyssinia set out immediately for Makkah Mukarramah. However, on arriving on the outskirts of Makkah Mukarramah, they realized that the information they had received was false. The dilemma they were now facing was that they could not return due to this unexpected turn of events coupled with hunger due to the lack of provisions. On the other hand, they were reluctant to enter Makkah Mukarramah due to the fear of the disbelievers attacking them. Hence, they remained at the outskirts until they each took asylum from one of the notables of Makkah Mukarramah.

Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) entered Makkah Mukarramah with the asylum offered to him by Waleed bin Mugheerah. However, when he saw the oppression being meted out to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and his companions, his conscience did not allow him to remain in someone’s protection any longer and he thus preferred fear over safety, danger over security and hardship over wellbeing. He expressed this restlessness which had engulfed his heart saying, “By Allah, indeed my mornings and evenings are spent in safety through the protection of a man who is a polytheist whilst my companions and family members are facing such hardship and torture which have not been inflicted on me. (The reason for all this is) because of a major deficiency in me (i.e. fear of being oppressed).”

Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thus approached Waleed bin Mugheerah and told him, “You had given me protection, and you had fulfilled it in an excellent manner. However, I want you to take me to your people and free yourself from me in their presence. I wish to come out of it (i.e. your worldly protection) towards (the way of) Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), because he and his companions are my role models.”

Waleed was quite startled and confused. He could not understand why a person would wish to give up his protection in a place where the Muslims were being mercilessly persecuted. He thus asked Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), “Perhaps someone harmed you or insulted you while you were under my protection. (Therefore,) you now desire (the protection of) someone who will protect you more than me. (If that is the case,) I will save you from that (too).” Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied, “That is not my intention, nor has anyone interfered with me. Rather, I am pleased with the protection of Allah and I do not wish to seek protection from anyone besides Him.”

After much insistence from Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), Waleed bin Mugheerah eventually took him to the masjid where the Quraish were gathered around the famous poet, Labeed bin Rabee‘ah (who later accepted Islam). Waleed addressed the Quraish saying, “Indeed this person has compelled and coerced me to lift my protection from him. I make you a witness that I am free (from him).”

Saying this, they both sat amongst the Quraish. Labeed bin Rabee‘ah then began reciting the following words of poetry, “Behold. Everything besides Allah is in vain.” When he said this, Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.” Labeed then continued the poem saying, “And every enjoyment will undoubtedly vanish.” When he said this stanza, Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) remarked, “You have spoken a lie.” Hearing this, the people glared at him but they did not understand why he had said that. What he actually meant was that it is not true that every enjoyment will come to an end since the enjoyment and bounties of Jannah will never end. Labeed then went on to repeat the same couplet and yet again, Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) remarked just as he had done the first time. This time, a disbeliever got up and slapped Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) with such force that his eye became swollen.

Waleed and those who were with him tried reasoning with Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) that had he remained in Waleed’s protection, this would not have taken place. They also further commented saying, “You were not in need of what had happened to you (i.e. you could have avoided it).” Saying this, they began laughing. Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) emphatically retorted, “In actual fact, I was in need of what had happened to me, and my eye which was not struck is in need of that which its counterpart had received. My role model is someone far more beloved to me than you (referring to Rasulullah [sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam]).” After this incident, Waleed came up to him and offered to renew his protection. Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied, “I do not have any need for your protection.”

(Usdul Ghaabah vol. 3, pg. 225 and Tabraani – Majma‘uz Zawaaid #9916)


1. Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) possessed deep love for Allah Ta‘ala. The force of this love drove him to return the protection of the disbeliever, thereby placing his life in danger. Moreover, even when his one eye was injured, the force of his love for Allah Ta‘ala drove him to desire that his healthy eye be sacrificed for the sake of his beloved – Allah Ta‘ala. If we also gain the true love of Allah Ta‘ala, we will be ‘forced’ from within to obey Him without any type of reluctance and hesitation.

2. Sayyiduna ‘Uthmaan bin Maz‘oon (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) had adopted Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) as his role models, and thus wished to even follow them in being persecuted for the sake of Deen. If we possess true love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), we would be ‘proud’ to take him as our role model and adopt his beautiful lifestyle in every facet of our lives.