(Respected Wife of ‘Aarif Billah, Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar [rahimahullah] – Part One)

‘Aarif Billah, Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar (rahimahullah), is a personality who needs no introduction. He was the Shaikh (spiritual mentor and guide) of senior ‘Ulama of our country such as Moulana Yunus Patel (rahimahullah), Moulana ‘Abdul Hameed Ishaaq (daamat barakaatuhum), the principal of Darul ‘Uloom Azaadville, Moulana Fazlur Rahman Aa’zami (daamat barakaatuhum), the Shaikhul Hadeeth of Darul ‘Uloom Azaadville, and Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (daamat baraakatuhum), the Shaikhul Hadeeth of Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen in Isipingo Beach. Many other ‘Ulama and millions of people worldwide have benefited and continue to benefit tremendously from the teachings and guidance of this great saint.

It is perhaps sufficient testimony to his piety and saintliness that his own Shaikh, Shah ‘Abdul Ghani Phulpoori (rahimahullah), had once mentioned with regard to him that he had attained a very high rank of piety and had a very strong bond with Allah Ta‘ala.

His Shaikh also made the very same statement regarding another person – the respected wife of Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar (rahimahullah). Shah ‘Abdul Ghani Phulpoori (rahimahullah) said, “The person in his home (i.e. his respected wife) has also attained a very high rank of piety and has a very strong bond with Allah Ta‘ala.”

(Rashk-e-Awliyaa, Hayaat-e-Akhtar pg. 42)

Insha-Allah, over the next few parts, we will discuss some of the sterling qualities found in the life of this great woman so that we may all benefit from the rays of radiance that emanated from her life.