Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahimahullah) once mentioned:
The reward that a women receives for exercising patience over her difficulties in managing the home and fulfilling the rights of her husband and children is sometimes so great that it makes her ‘reach’ Allah Ta‘ala very quickly. This, however, is conditional to her obedience to Allah Ta‘ala; fulfilling His rights, the rights of His Rasul (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), and the rights of His creation.
Women who have a number of children and sometimes even a temperamental husband, together with many household chores and other responsibilities, often think that they cannot achieve the ranks of the special friends of Allah Ta‘ala because they do not have time for ‘wazeefahs’ and nawaafil (optional prayers).
I tell them that they need not worry about too many wazeefahs. The most important ‘wazeefah’ is abstinence from all sins. Added to this, they should just correct their niyyah (intention) in all that they are doing as routine housework. When they make the intention of pleasing Allah Ta‘ala, then that very same housework becomes ‘ibaadah. In this simple way, they will easily secure great rewards and the same spiritual stages, if not higher.