WiFi… GPRS… 3G, 4G and 5G… Satellite… ADSL and fibre… In short, we live in a world of ever-increasing connectivity. No matter where they may be, or what time of the day or night it may be, people ensure that they always remain connected and online.

In an age where most business is conducted over the phone, it is easy to understand why some people fear losing their connectivity. For such people, the loss of connectivity could lead to a lucrative deal being lost and precious profit slipping through their fingers. Hence, even if they have the slightest expectation of someone phoning them with a deal, they will ensure that their phone batteries are fully charged and they are in an area with full reception. They know that so long as they are connected, they will continue to benefit from every opportunity that presents itself before them.

Connected to the Mercy of Allah

In a similar manner, we all need to remain ‘connected’ to the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala. If we are ‘disconnected’, we will remain deprived and will never prosper and find happiness, neither in this world or the next. Furthermore, there are certain occasions when Allah Ta‘ala showers His special mercy upon the Ummah. However, even on these ‘lucrative’ occasions, if one is ‘disconnected’, he will remain deprived and will not enjoy this special mercy. Hence, it is of paramount importance that we identify those factors that cause us to become ‘disconnected’ from Allah Ta‘ala’s mercy and avoid them at all costs.

The Fifteenth of Sha’baan

The auspicious occasion of the fifteenth night of Sha’baan is one such occasion wherein Allah Ta‘ala showers His special mercy on one and all. In regard to this occasion, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned, “On the fifteenth night of Sha’baan, Allah Ta‘ala looks at the entire creation with special mercy. He then forgives the sins of the entire creation (who turn to Him in repentance), with the exception of those who ascribe partners to Him and those who harbour enmity in their hearts.” (Saheeh Ibni Hibbaan #5665)

The auspiciousness and blessed nature of this night has also been attested to by the eminent Taabi‘ee, ‘Ataa bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) who mentioned that the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan is the greatest night after Lailatul Qadr! (Lataa-iful Ma‘aarif pg. 264)

Nevertheless, from the above hadeeth, it is clear that even on such an auspicious occasion, when Allah Ta‘ala is prepared to forgive the entire creation, there will be certain unfortunate souls who will remain disconnected and deprived. These are the people who harbour enmity for others in their hearts. Furthermore, in another hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned that those who sever ties with their family members will also be deprived of Allah’s mercy and forgiveness on this night. (Shu‘abul Imaan #3665)

Family Ties

The importance of maintaining family ties in Islam can be understood from the fact that on the occasion when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) entered Madeenah Munawwarah and delivered the very first khutbah in Islam, which would serve as an introduction to Deen, he addressed the people saying, “O people! Spread salaam (i.e. peace, by making salaam to one another), feed the people, maintain family ties and perform nafl salaah during the night while people are asleep. (If you do hold firmly to these actions together with the other obligations of Islam,) you will enter Jannah with salaam and peace.” (Sunan Ibni Maajah #3251)

Hence, maintaining family ties is an integral part of Islam and as such, it’s importance cannot be overemphasized.


It often happens that a person is ill-treated or oppressed by a family member. In most cases, it is due to some monetary dispute, either related to inheritance or a partnership dispute, that the relationship is broken. Under such circumstances, while the behaviour of the oppressor is by no means acceptable or condoned, it still does not behove us to adopt a ‘tit-for-tat’ approach, where we repay ill-behaviour with more ill-behaviour in the vain effort to ‘prove a point’.

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has taught us that in order for one to truly join and maintain family ties, he will need to have the heart to overlook the ill behaviour of others. He will need to have the heart to forgive and forget. If he has to retaliate for every ill that he ever suffered, he will inevitably sever ties instead of joining them. Instead of becoming a source of happiness for people, he will simply add to the problems that already prevail. Hence, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned, “The one who truly joins family ties is not the one who deals with people in the same manner that they deal with him. Rather, the one who truly joins family ties is the one who joins ties when they have been severed.” (Saheeh Bukhaari #5991)

Clean Heart

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was blessed with a heart that was absolutely clean and pure. His blessed heart was completely free of all grudges and enmity, and hence he was prepared to forgive even those who raised weapons against him and murdered his beloved family members. Hence, this is the lofty example that we should strive to emulate.

The one who is prepared to bury the hatchet, and forego his right in order to avoid disputing, is indeed most blessed and fortunate. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has promised, “I guarantee a palace on the outskirts of Paradise for the person who abstains from disputes, even though he may be in the right…” (Sunan Abi Dawood #4800)

A Heart of Happiness

If a person carries the excess, unwanted baggage of grudges, it will perpetually weigh him down. If he ‘harbours’ malice in his heart, happiness will ‘dock’ elsewhere. For his heart to find peace and happiness, he will have to unburden his heart from the unwanted baggage. In doing so, he will find inner satisfaction, he will please Allah Ta‘ala and he will also acquire the tremendous reward of forgiving others and joining ties. Such a person will remain connected to the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala and will continue to progress.

May Allah Ta‘ala bless us all to have clean hearts, forgive others and maintain family ties, aameen.