Every person, throughout his life, regardless of who he may be, will have different needs. There are needs relating to this world, such as the need for air, water, food, clothing, etc., as well as needs relating to the next world, such as the need to be comfortable in the grave, pass the questioning on the Day of Qiyaamah, cross the Siraat safely, etc.
Regardless of the nature of the need, the one who fulfils it and bestows us with what we require is Allah Ta‘ala. He alone possesses unlimited treasures and countless bounties, and the more we beg from Him, the more He will bless us.
When it is Allah Ta‘ala alone who can avail us and assist us, then it is to Him that we should turn in du‘aa at all times, begging Him for our present and future needs. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Du‘aa benefits against what has befallen (a person) and what has not (yet) befallen. So hold fast unto du‘aa, O servants of Allah.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3548)
In another hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned, “Shall I not show you a way through which you will be saved from your enemies and will receive abundance in your sustenance? Turn to Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa during the night and day, as du‘aa is the weapon of a believer.” (Abu Ya’laa – Majma‘uz Zawaaid #17153)
Du‘aa is not only an extremely effective means of one fulfilling his needs – it is an act of ‘ibaadah and is a salient feature in the life of a believer. Thus, constantly turning to Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa was a hallmark in the lives of the Ambiyaa (‘alaihimus salaam). Allah Ta‘ala mentions in the Quraan Majeed, “… and they would continue to make du‘aa to us, in hope and fear…” (Surah Ambiyaa v90)
Likewise, the blessed life of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was filled with du‘aa. On awakening for Tahajjud Salaah, there were du‘aas that he recited, before entering and upon leaving the toilet, he recited du‘aas, when making wudhu, he recited du‘aas, and likewise, after eating, when travelling and on other occasions as well, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) recited certain du‘aas. The ardent lovers and devoted followers of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) – the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) – recorded these du‘aas and transmitted them to us for the benefit of the entire Ummah.
Being the Messenger of Allah Ta‘ala, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) knew which du‘aas were most pertinent to make. He knew the most valuable blessings that we should beg for, and the worst evils and trials from which we should seek protection. Hence, his du‘aas are undoubtedly the best and most comprehensive of all du‘aas (apart from those mentioned in the Quraan Majeed). Hence, together with the du‘aas that we make in our own language, speaking to Allah Ta‘ala and presenting our personal needs before Him, we should also ensure that we make the du‘aas which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) had made. By doing so, we will not only be making the best of du‘aas, but will also be receiving the reward of practising on the sunnah.
One easy method for us to be able to do this is for us to commence reading from a du‘aa kitaab, such as Al-Hizbul Aa’zam or Munaajaat-e-Maqbool. These kitaabs are a compilation of various sunnah du‘aas reported in the ahaadeeth. To facilitate ease in asking these du‘aas, these kitaabs have been divided into seven portions, one to be read on each day of the week. The benefit of reading such a kitaab daily is that one will be making the different du‘aas of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) at least once a week.
It is extremely beneficial for us to also learn the meaning of these sunnah du‘aas. By learning the meaning, we will be able to concentrate and think of what we are actually asking Allah Ta‘ala for. Our du‘aa will gain meaning and life and our words will become a heartfelt entreaty to our Most-Loving Allah, begging Him to bless us from His bounty.
It is for this purpose that we have decided to commence a du‘aa category on the Uswatul Muslimah site. In this category, we will discuss different sunnah du‘aas which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) had made. The translation, as well as the commentary, explaining the meaning of the du‘aa, will also be provided where necessary.
May Allah Ta‘ala bless us all from His limitless treasures and accept all our du‘aas, aameen.