There once lived a devout worshipper in the Banu Israaeel. On one occasion, he experienced such constraints that his family spent seven days without any food! His wife said to him, “Why don’t you go out and search for something for us?” He thus went out and waited amongst the labourers (in order to find some work). The rest of the labourers found employment, besides him. The worshipper said to himself, “By Allah, I will work for my Rabb today.” He thus proceeded to the seashore, took a bath, and thereafter remained engaged in salaah the entire day.
When he returned home to his family later that evening, his wife asked, “What (work) did you do?” He replied, “I carried out some work for my teacher, and he has promised to give me (some remuneration).”
The next morning, he again went to the marketplace and stood amongst the labourers. Once again, the rest of the labourers found employment, but he did not find any work. The worshipper again said to himself, “By Allah, I will work for my Rabb today.” He then proceeded to the seashore, took a bath, and thereafter remained engaged in salaah the entire day. When he returned home that evening and his wife questioned him regarding what work he had done, he gave her the same answer. However, she (was not satisfied and) began to quarrel and squabble with him. He retired to bed in this state and spent the entire night tossing and turning, whilst his children were crying out of hunger.
The next morning, he went to the marketplace yet again and the exactly same thing transpired. After remaining engaged in salaah the entire day, as the evening came, he thought to himself, “Where shall I go? I have left my family crying with hunger!” Despite finding it difficult, he eventually plucked up the courage and departed. As he neared his home, he (astonishingly) began to hear sounds of laughter and joy, and perceived the smell of dried meat, as well as roasted meat. He thus rubbed his hands over his eyes and said to himself, “Am I awake or asleep! I left people who were crying out of hunger, and I can now smell dried and roasted meat, and I can hear sounds of laughter and joy!”
He then approached the door and knocked, and out came his wife beaming with joy. She said to him: “Oh so and so, the messenger of your teacher brought for us some gold and silver coins, clothing, fat and flour, and he said: ‘When so and so (i.e. your husband) arrives, then convey salaams to him and tell him that his teacher left the following message for him: ‘I have seen your work and was pleased with it, thus if you increase your work for me, I will increase your recompense.’”
(Al-Muntazam vol. 2, pg. 174)
1. Allah Ta‘ala instructs us in the Quraan Majeed to seek His help through perseverance and salaah (Surah Baqarah v45). This is the divine directive to draw the help of Allah Ta‘ala in every condition. Hence, we find the worshipper not just resorting to salaah, but doing so with much patience and perseverance. It is this very steadfastness which drew the unseen help of Allah Ta‘ala. In our own lives as well, it is of utmost importance for us to turn to Allah Ta‘ala for every need of ours, and to persevere in the performance of salaah and begging our needs from Him. Every person should dedicate some time daily towards this noble cause, and encourage others to do the same as well.
2. At times, Allah Ta‘ala does not immediately grant a person the thing which he is asking for, as was the case of the worshipper. He withholds it from him and allows him to undergo some difficulty, only to confer on him something far better thereafter. This is the great wisdom of Allah Ta‘ala, as the more we exert ourselves for Allah Ta‘ala and beg of Him, the more will He shower us with His favours and closeness.
3. More often than not, Allah Ta‘ala hides the cash rewards for one’s Deeni efforts and the difficulties one undergoes, and transforms them into a treasure kept in store for him in the Hereafter. One’s ‘ibaadah, du‘aa and crying to Allah Ta‘ala in one’s distress fetch a far greater reward than one would have been able to achieve otherwise. Thus, one should never complain under any circumstance. Rather, he should reiterate within his mind that every situation; good or bad, happy or sad, easy or difficult, is only from Allah Ta‘ala, and the recompense is with Him alone.