The average woman of today is constantly on the ‘change’. Be it in her clothing, her home or her cooking, she appreciates and looks forward to variety and change. Her creative mind is constantly restyling her outfits, rearranging her home or replacing her old recipes.

As such, the day should most definitely dawn upon her where she realises, “I am changing everything on me and around me, thus earning the praises and the admiration of people; is it not now time for me to change from within?”

The instant we begin to change our inside, we will begin to enjoy the long anticipated contact with our Allah Ta‘ala that we had previously lost. Our focus will now be Deen, hence those women who come into contact with us will also be inspired to change from within. Our conversations, instead of centring on temptations of the world which are actually only filled with gloom, will rather be abloom with the colourful, unlimited variety of the Hereafter.

Let us strive to change from within and enjoy even the outside from within.