(Du‘aa Series – Part Two)
Allah Ta‘ala has created this world as a place of systems. If any person wishes to acquire or achieve something, he adopts the means, follows the system, trusts in Allah Ta‘ala, and then if the outcome was destined for him by Allah Ta‘ala, he will be successful in attaining it. Thus, we find that when a person wants a child, there is a system of nikaah that is followed, after which a child may be born, nine months later. Likewise, if a person wants money, there is a system of working and earning that is in place.
In the very same way, it is the system of Allah Ta‘ala that the more one follows the sunnah in his life, and the more adab (respect and etiquette) one adopts, the more blessings and acceptance one will enjoy. This applies to all departments of life such as nikaah, acquiring the knowledge of Deen, engaging in ‘ibaadah, etc. Hence, this important principle applies when making du‘aa as well.
Thus, when we wish to place our needs before Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, we should adhere to the sunnahs and etiquettes of du‘aa. By doing so, it is more likely that our du‘aa will be answered.
Among the first etiquettes of du‘aa is that at the time of making du‘aa, we must express our helplessness, desperation and weakness before Allah Ta‘ala. Allah Ta‘ala instructs in the Quraan Majeed, “Make du‘aa to your Rabb with humility…” (Surah Aa’raaf v55)
When we view the wording of the du‘aa that Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) made to Allah Ta‘ala, despite him being a great Nabi of Allah Ta‘ala, we find it filled with expressions of weakness. Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) addressed Allah Ta‘ala saying, “O my Rabb! Indeed, my bones have become weak and my head has filled with white hair…” (Surah Maryam v4)
Likewise, when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) made du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala after being persecuted in Taa-if, though he was the closest to Allah Ta‘ala and the greatest of all His creation, he also expressed his weakness before Allah Ta‘ala. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) addressed Allah Ta‘ala saying, “O Allah! To You alone do I complain of the feebleness of my strength, and the scarcity of my resources, and my insignificance in the eyes of people!” (Ad-Du‘aa – Tabraani #1036)
Nevertheless, together with expressing our weakness and absolute dependence on Allah Ta‘ala, we must also remain hopeful in the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala and should have conviction that Allah Ta‘ala will accept our du‘aa. Hence, after expressing his weakness, Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) addressed Allah Ta‘ala with hope saying, “And O my Rabb, I never been unfortunate (unsuccessful) in my du‘aa to You.” (Surah Maryam v4)
In one hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Make du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala with the conviction that your du‘aa will be accepted.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3479) Similarly, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned in another hadeeth that a person will continue to have his du‘aa accepted, so long as he is not hasty. Being hasty is where the one making du‘aa says “I made du‘aa but my du‘aa was not answered.” (Saheeh Bukhaari #6340)
Thus, we should continue to make du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala and should never lose hope. Furthermore, we should not only turn to Him in times of difficulty and hardship, but should make du‘aa to Him in times of prosperity, ease and comfort as well. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The one who desires that his du‘aas be answered at the time of difficulties and hardships should make abundant du‘aa at the time of ease.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3382)
Finally, when making du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala, we must bear in mind that we are conversing with Him. We are speaking to Him and appealing to Him for help and assistance, and He is listening to our every word. Allah Ta‘ala mentions in the Quraan Majeed, “When My servants ask you about Me, then (tell them that) I am near. I respond to the call of the caller when he calls unto Me.” (Surah Baqarah v186)
Thus, when making du‘aa, we must remain attentive and focused. We must not lose concentration and allow our minds to drift, or begin to fidget and look around, etc. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned, “Know that Allah Ta‘ala does not accept the du‘aa which is made with an inattentive, unfocused heart.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3479)
Insha-Allah, in the next part, the sunnah method of making du‘aa will be discussed.