(Zubaidah – The Wife of Haaroon Rasheed – Part Two)
On one occasion, the finance manager of Zubaidah (rahimahallah) learnt that an employee who administered her various properties, had taken funds from the revenue of her properties equivalent to two hundred thousand dirhams (silver coins). He thus had the man imprisoned for the crime.
While in prison, the man contacted two of his friends requesting them to approach the finance manager and intercede on his behalf. On the way, they met Faidh bin Abi Saalih who asked them, “Where are you going to?” They narrated the incident that had transpired and explained the purpose of their errand. “Do you need me to assist you?” he offered. The two friends expressed that they would appreciate his assistance, and so he accompanied them.
They gained an audience with the finance manager and pleaded their friend’s case. He then sent a message to Zubaidah (rahimahallah), informing her about the situation. After reading the message, she initially replied, “There is no way that he can be released without paying the money that he owes.” On hearing her response, the two friends rose to leave. However, Faidh remarked, “It would seem that our coming here has only served to further confirm the detention of your friend!” He then took an ink pot and wrote a message to his own financial manager, instructing him to pay the outstanding amount on the prisoner’s behalf.
When Zubaidah’s (rahimahallah) finance manager wrote her a message, apprising her of the turn of events, she returned the note to him with the following written on the reverse, “It is more befitting for us to show the prisoner this generosity. Return the money to Faidh and release the prisoner.”
(Al-Muntazam vol. 10, pg. 277)
1. Sometimes, an opportunity to do good comes our way, yet for some reason or other (be it anger, disappointment, etc.), we deflect or turn it away. However, so long as the opportunity has not passed, we can still relent and seize it. After our initial emotions subside, we can still capitalize and earn ourselves reward, as Zubaidah (rahimahallah) did when she relented.
2. Instead of competing in holiday destinations, fashion, jewellery, etc., Zubaidah (rahimahallah) was competing in generosity. Since the prisoner was her debtor, she wanted to be the one to show the generosity instead of Faidh.
3. Every person should try, within his means, to use his money for the benefit of others. It should never be that we have hearts of stone, where we are unprepared to share even a few rands with the next person. If we are enjoying wealth, we must remember that it is only due to Allah Ta‘ala favouring us, and had He wished, He could have deprived us and favoured someone else instead. Hence, out of gratitude to Allah Ta‘ala, let us have the heart to share with others – especially if it is to support righteous works and efforts, as this will earn us a share in these endeavours as well.
4. When Faidh saw the two friends proceeding to the finance manager to intercede on behalf of their friend, he offered to help them, even though it was not his problem or concern. This shows the true spirit of a believer – he is always eager to bring comfort and ease to others.
5. When their intercession initially failed, Faidh was prepared to pay the money himself – which was the considerable sum of two hundred thousand dirhams (silver coins) – to secure the release of the prisoner. This speaks volumes of the heart of compassion that he must have had.