‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) mentions that a black woman, who was once a slave, would sometimes come to speak to her. However, whenever she arrived, she would recite the following before sitting:

وَيَوْمُ الْوِحَاشِ مِنْ تَعَاجِيْبِ رَبِّنَا

أَلَا إِنَّهُ مِنْ بَلْدَةِ الْكُفْرِ اَنْجَانِيْ

The day of the band is from the wonders of our Lord

Behold! He indeed saved me from the land of disbelief

‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) once asked her, “What is the matter? Why do you always recite this couplet when you sit with me?” In reply, the women narrated the following incident:

(While I was living with a certain tribe, after they set me free, it so happened that) a young girl from among them, who was a bride on that day, emerged while adorned with a band made from leather and studded with pearls. This bride then removed her band for some time, during which a small kite mistook it for a piece of meat and thus picked it up, flying away with it.

When the bride could not find her band, the tribe began to search for it, but to no avail. Eventually, they suspected me of stealing it and began to accuse me. They thus began to search me, until even my private area was searched.

At that point, I made du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala to prove my innocence. As soon as I made the du‘aa, the kite came and dropped the band in their midst. When they saw the band, I said to them, “This is what you were accusing me of and what you claimed I had stolen. I am innocent, and there it is, before you.”

This woman thereafter left the tribe, coming to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and accepting Islam.

(Saheeh Bukhaari #439 and Fat-hul Baari vol. 1, pg. 702)


1. Without proof, no accusation should be levelled against any person. If the person is innocent, even if he is disgraced in this world due to the accusations, Allah Ta‘ala will absolve him on the Day of Qiyaamah and those who disgraced him will be made to answer for their false allegations.

2. Even if a person is the lowliest slave, Allah Ta‘ala will answer his du‘aa and assist him when he is being oppressed and falsely accused. Hence, we should never look down at any person, as we do not know whose du‘aa will gain acceptance.