As we draw closer to Qiyaamah, due to most Muslims living among the non-Muslims and being indoctrinated by their culture and lifestyle, many of the core, fundamental values of Islam and the sunnah have been lost.

In the blessed hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) foretold a time when many of the basic values of Islam would be lost, to such an extent that a person will even regard good to be evil, and evil to be good. (See here for a detailed article in this regard)

In today’s times, one of the core fundamental values of Islam which is rapidly being lost, due to Muslims being influenced by Western media and education, is the value of hayaa. Furthermore, many people do not recognize the evil for what it is, but are instead duped and deceived into seeing it as something good and positive.

In specific, the issue of sexual education is especially disturbing and disgusting. Young children, seated together in a classroom, are given a course teaching them the A-Z of intimacy. In the name of education, the explanations are completely explicit and the diagrams provided are extremely descriptive.

Just imagine – the teacher may be a female or a male. If the class is mixed, with boys and girls, then due to their immaturity, there will be sniggers and smirks, elbow-nudging and eyebrow raising, suggestive winking and gesturing. In the case where the teacher is young and attractive, some of these gestures may even be targeted at the teacher him/herself!

Even if the class is not mixed, and it is a male lecturing to males, or a female lecturing to females, the demand of hayaa is that this topic should not be discussed openly and freely, whether in a classroom format or in a public discussion, with explicit descriptions and graphic drawings, etc.

Islam advocates hayaa, modesty and shame to the highest degree. Islam teaches that one should uphold hayaa and respect in all dimensions of life – especially in the dimension of discussing aspects relating to private life in public. Such discussions spur up feelings in the hearts of boys and girls, thereby causing them to fall into sin.

When one views the beautiful qualities in the blessed life of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), one finds the quality of hayaa being upheld to the highest degree. Hence, even when one Sahaabiyyah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) came to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to enquire as to how she should clean herself after her menses, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) gave her a brief answer conforming to the dictates of hayaa, and thereafter Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) took her aside and explained to her what she needed to know. (For the detailed incident, and for more on this topic, see here)

We must remember that children will be children, and it is in the nature of children to be inquisitive and curious. Once a child is given the theory behind human reproduction, he will next wish to experiment and bring the theory into practice. The inevitable result of this will be the outbreak of zina.

It is thus of little surprise that an article was recently circulated (7 Aug 2024) which mentioned that in this past financial year alone, 2 716 girls between the ages of 10-14 had given birth in South African public healthcare facilities. Obviously, there will be many more who did not give birth, or did not fall pregnant, or were not discovered by the study, due to which the number of children engaging in zina is actually far higher.

A sensible, intelligent person will not demonstrate to a child how to strike matches, and then hand the child the box of matches and expect him to abstain from experimenting. If only the authorities could see that their satanic syllabus is akin to providing every child with matches and showing him how to use it, thereby fuelling the very fire they apparently wish to extinguish.

Another disturbing trend, which is also the result of being influenced by the Western lifestyle, is that of parents openly discussing these topics with their children. In regard to a disbeliever, then the lack of hayaa, though disturbing, is not surprising. For instance, in their potty-training guides, the disbelievers even suggest that the parent should use the toilet with the door open, and allow the child to enter and observe, so that the child becomes acquainted with the function of a toilet.

However, for a Muslim, who has Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) as his guide and his blessed example to emulate, abandoning hayaa and stooping to the depraved depths of the disbelievers is most disappointing and disheartening. Sadly, some Muslim parents have been heard saying, “We are very open with our children, and if they have any questions, we explain everything to them. It is better that they learn from us rather than learn from their friends.”

If a parent fears that their child may get stabbed in school, will the parent rush to stab his own child first? Never! He will remove his child from the school! The problem though, is that we do not perceive the breakdown of hayaa to be a threat to our child, and hence instead of shielding him from the danger, we actively contribute to it. The result of this shameless approach is that the children lose all respect for their own parents, though they may not voice it or display it immediately.

For thousands of years, human reproduction continued unhindered, without the existence of these perverted sex ed classes. It is only in this belated era, with the agenda of stripping people of the natural quality of hayaa, that this subject has been inserted into the syllabus.

May Allah Ta‘ala open our eyes and understanding to the filth and harm that these classes promote, and may He save us and our children from all forms of shamelessness, aameen.