Correspondence of Hazrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (rahimahullah)
You gave me the prescription to dispel evil thoughts about others, that I must think to myself, “I will be asked to present a shar‘ee proof for these ill thoughts on the Day of Resurrection.” On addressing myself in this manner, I find that no evil thoughts of people remain whatsoever. However, later on I start having evil thoughts again.
Whenever you have such thoughts, think about the shar‘ee proof that you will be asked to present. Say to yourself, “The person of whom you are thinking ill is not really like that. Rather, it is you who possesses these evil qualities. You are merely seeing your own reflection in their mirror.” This is similar to how an ugly man looked into the mirror and said, “O mirror! You are so ugly!” (Solutions to Spiritual Maladies for the Lovers of Allah Ta‘ala, pg. 200)