In this world there is no shortage of fools who seek to taunt and harass others merely for their own entertainment and satisfaction. In the Quraan Majeed we learn that among the qualities of the special friends of Allah Ta‘ala is that when they are confronted by foolish people, they avoid confrontation.

When a foolish person taunts someone, it is the reaction of outrage and anger which he craves. He thrives on inciting anger in people. Hence, the solution is to ignore the person and refrain from responding to him. If one has to respond to the foolish person, the situation may escalate into worse remarks, or swearing, or even physical violence. By remaining silent, one safeguards his Deen and also his dignity.

A fool lacks sense and cannot appreciate or comprehend a rational explanation or argument. Therefore, when arguing with a fool, it is inevitable that the argument will ultimately devolve into trading insults with one another. Hence, a person once aptly mentioned, “Do not argue with a fool, for he will drag you down to his level (of swearing, insulting, etc.) after which he will beat you through his experience.”

In regard to the wisdom and benefit of ignoring foolish people who baselessly taunt and provoke others, Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) has composed different couplets of poetry. Some of these eloquent couplets, which are actually pearls of wisdom, are presented below:

‌إِذَا ‌نَطَقَ ‌السَّفِيْهُ ‌فَلَا ‌تُـجِبْهُ فَخَيْرٌ مِنْ إِجَابَتِهِ السُّكُوْتُ

فَإِنْ كَلَّمْتَهُ فَرَّجْتَ عَنْهُ وَإِنْ خَلَّيْتَهُ ‌كَمَدًا ‌يَـمُوْتُ

When the fool speaks (taunting you) then do not respond to him, for better than responding to him is to remain silent

If you speak to him (and respond), you will give him relief (by giving him the reaction he craved), and if you ignore him, he will die out of grief. (Deewaan Imaam Shaafi‘ee pg. 41)

قُلْ مَا شِئْتَ فِيْ مَسَبَّةِ عِرْضِيْ فَسُكُوْتِيْ عَنْ اللَّئِيْمِ جَوَابُ

مَا أَنَا عَادِمُ الْـجَوَابِ وَلٰكِنْ مَا مِنَ الْأَسَدِ أَنْ تـُجِيْبَ الْكِلَابَ

Say whatever you wish in maligning my reputation, for my silence is the response to the wretched one (who speaks against me)

It is not that I lack a response and answer, rather (the reason for my silence is that) it does not befit the lion to respond to dogs. (Deewaan Imaam Shaafi‘ee pg. 37)

‌يـُخَاطِبُنِي ‌السَّفِيْهُ ‌بِكُلِّ ‌قُبْحٍ فَأَكْرَهُ أَنْ أَكُوْنَ لَهُ مُـجِيْبَا

يَزِيْدُ سَفَاهَةً فَأَزِيْدُ حِلْمَاً كَعُوْدٍ زَادَهُ الْإِحْرَاقُ طِيْبَا

The foolish person addresses me with every insult, and I dislike responding to him

He increases in foolishness (the more he insults me), and I increase in tolerance (the more I remain silent), like ‘oud which only becomes more fragrant when it is burned (i.e. the more he insults me, the more I exercise tolerance, due to which I receive more reward from Allah Ta‘ala). (Deewaan Imaam Shaafi‘ee pg. 26)