Moulana Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi (rahimahullah) was an internationally renowned ‘Aalim of the recent past.
As Moulana’s (rahimahullah) father had passed away when he was still a young child, it was Moulana’s (rahimahullah) mother, Sayyidah Khairun Nisaa Behtar (rahimahallah), who saw to his upbringing and single-handedly raised him. She was undoubtedly an exceptional mother to have raised such an exceptional son. The fruits of her efforts are evident in the success and acceptance which Allah Ta‘ala granted Moulana (rahimahullah).
Since Khairun Nisaa (rahimahallah) was a woman of the 20th century, and thus lived relatively recently, it is hoped that the women of this age would find it easy to relate to her life and take lesson and inspiration from it.
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