(Respected Wife of Dr. Hafeezullah Madani [rahimahullah] – Part Three)
Her son, Dr. Kareemullah Makki, mentioned the following:
My respected mother, until her demise, never once opposed the instruction of my father, even though fulfilling his instruction may have been awkward or caused her inconvenience.
Regarding my mother’s caution in spending wealth, I heard my respected father mention, “She never spent even one rupee without my permission.” In fact, she would not even spend her personal wealth or go to meet any person without first securing my father’s permission. Her obedience to my father and ensuring that she asked him before doing anything was to such an extent that she would not even acquire her basic necessities such as clothing, etc. without first consulting him.
My mother never went to the market place or a shopping centre. Instead, she would ask my father or us (her sons) to buy her whatever she needed. She also instilled this quality of shunning the shopping centres in my sisters. It is for this reason that none of the women of our household go to shopping centres.
We (the children) never saw our mother and father fighting or arguing with one another. She never did any action that displeased my father. Sometimes, other women would give her advice and suggest that she do something in a certain manner. My mother’s response would be, “I will first ask my husband, and I will not do it if it does not please him.”
(Mithaali Khawaateen pg. 332-335)
1. It is the teaching of Islam that a woman should respect her husband and obey himin all permissible matters. If she conducts herself in this manner, then apart from the fact that she is in perpetual ‘ibaadah, her husband will be pleased with her, making her home one of happiness. If her husband is unhappy with her, she will naturally feel miserable and unhappy.
2. As far as possible, a woman should totally shun the malls and shopping centres. If she is able to acquire her necessities without personally going to a mall or shopping centre, then she should try to do so.