There are many different sacrifices that a person can make for the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala, and based on the level of the sacrifice, he will be rewarded and compensated in this world and the next.

At times, one may sacrifice his time and energy by spending them in the path of Allah Ta‘ala, and there is great reward for this. One may also sacrifice his wealth by spending it in the path of Allah Ta‘ala, and this is immensely rewarding, as the reward is multiplied a minimum of seven hundred times.

Nevertheless, among the greatest sacrifices which a person can make is the sacrifice of that which is dearest and most precious to him – his own life. It is for this reason that those who fight in the path of Allah Ta‘ala acquire such lofty ranks, amazing rewards and enviable virtues. To gauge the immense virtue of fighting in the path of Allah Ta‘ala, consider the hadeeth in which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned that the fire of Jahannam is haraam for those feet which became dusty in the path of Allah Ta‘ala. (Saheeh Bukhaari #907)

While many of the brave people of Palestine are reaping these rewards, for the rest of us, whoever we may be, it seems difficult to attain these rewards of fighting in the path of Allah Ta‘ala. However, if jihaad with the enemy is difficult to attain, then there is another jihaad which each and every one of us needs to engage in, every day, and at every moment – the jihaad against our nafs (carnal desires).

In one hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned, “The (true and perfect) mujaahid is the one who fights his nafs in (making it submit itself to) the obedience of Allah Ta‘ala.” (Musnad Ahmad #23958)

Commenting on this hadeeth, ‘Allaamah Teebee (rahimahullah) has mentioned, “The mujaahid is not only the one who fights against the disbelievers. Rather, the mujaahid is (also) the one who wages war against his nafs (desires) and forces and compels it to obey Allah Ta‘ala. The reason is that a person’s nafs is an even greater enemy to him than the disbelievers, as the disbelievers are far from him, and the occasion to encounter them and face them in battle occurs from time to time. As for his nafs, then it remains with him at all times, and prevents him from carrying out good deeds and engaging in righteous actions.” (Sharhut Teebee vol. 1, pg. 171)

Therefore, just as the person who is out in the path of Allah Ta‘ala for jihaad continues to receive reward, similarly the one who continues to struggle against his nafs, forcing it to obey Allah Ta‘ala, also continues to receive reward for continuing to please Allah Ta‘ala.

Furthermore, regarding women in specific – there is a method through which they can attain the immense rewards of jihaad while remaining safe and secure in the comfort of their homes. This method is through them remaining obedient to their husbands and fulfilling their husbands’ rights, and this method also requires them to continuously struggle against their nafs at all times, to ensure that they remain pleased with the role Allah Ta‘ala has assigned to them as women, and that they remain submissive and obedient to their husbands.

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbaas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) reports, that once a woman came to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and said, “O Rasul of Allah! I am (coming to you as) the representative of the women to you. Allah Ta‘ala has ordained jihaad upon the men. If they are wounded, they are rewarded, and if they are killed, then (on account of being martyrs,) they remain alive by their Rabb, receiving sustenance. We, the women, look after them (our husbands), so what (reward) will we receive for that?”

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) replied, “Convey to the women whom you meet that remaining obedient to the husband and acknowledging (and fulfilling) his rights is equal to that (reward the men receive through jihaad), and few are the women from you who do so.” (Musnad Bazzaar – Majma‘uz Zawaa-id #7701)

How kind and generous indeed is Allah Ta‘ala, and how easy He has made it for women to receive the reward of the mujaahideen! They just have to remain obedient to Allah Ta‘ala and Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), obedient to their husbands and support their husbands in the good deeds they carry out for Deen.