Zubair bin ‘Adiyy (rahimahullah) reports, “We once came to Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and complained to him regarding that (oppression and persecution) which we were undergoing at the hands of Hajjaaj (the notorious tyrant and bloodthirsty oppressor). Sayyiduna Anas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) responded saying, ‘Adopt sabr (i.e. patience over the trials and steadfastness upon Deen), for there is no era that will dawn upon you, except that the era after it will be worse than it, (and this perpetual decline and worsening of conditions will continue) until you meet your Rabb.’ I have heard this from your Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).” (Saheeh Bukhaari #7068)
In the blessed hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) prophesized that as the Ummah will draw closer to Qiyaamah, the fitnahs will intensify. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Hasten towards carrying out righteous actions before (the time close to Qiyaamah when) the commencement of fitnahs will be like the portions of a dark night.” (Saheeh Muslim #313) Hence, we find that as we draw closer and closer to Qiyaamah, the evils are intensifying and the Deeni challenges are becoming more and more severe.
The ‘Ulama explain that perhaps one reason for the decline of the Ummah and intensifying of fitnahs is that as we are drawing closer to Qiyaamah and moving further away from the golden era of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), the immense blessings and radiant noor which prevailed in the world during his time are steadily decreasing.
Hence, Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) once asked his wife, “Is today a better day, or was yesterday a better day?” She replied, “I do not know the answer.” He then said, “However, I do know the answer. Yesterday was better than today, and today is better than tomorrow, and it will continue like this (with each day being better than the next day) until the Final Day dawns.” (Tabraani – Majma‘uz Zawaa’id #12274)
Some of us will remember a time when there were no computers in the homes. Thereafter, computers arrived, followed by the internet, though smartphones did not yet exist. Finally, the smartphone arrived, bringing in its wake a whole host of fitnahs. The evil of the smartphone has reached such proportions that the TV, internet, computer and photo and video camera have all merged into one small device held in almost every person’s hand. Hence, to remain safe from the evil and untouched by it is extremely difficult indeed.
Therefore, when the evils, vices and wrongs are only going to increase and worsen day-by-day, then we need to rectify our lives and reform our conditions NOW by repenting from our sins and safeguarding ourselves from these evils. We cannot procrastinate and wait for later as there is no guarantee of life. Even if we do live to see later, the challenges will be even more damaging to one’s Deen and imaan at that time, and even more difficult to resist and refrain from.
Similarly, if we have children, we must realize that as they are growing up, there is a danger of them being exposed to and influenced by evils that are even worse than the wrongs found today – such evils that can rob them of their Deen and imaan in the blink of an eye. Hence, we must perpetually be concerned for their Deeni and imaani safety, and must constantly make an effort to raise them in the correct, Islamic manner.
Nevertheless, in this hadeeth of Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), the solution to the intensifying evils is given as ‘sabr’ i.e. to remain patient and steadfast upon Deen. We should not become influenced by the difficult times or evil temptations, but should rather remain firm upon Deen and the sunnah. We will remain pleased with Allah Ta‘ala, regardless of the difficulty we face, and we will continue to fulfil all the rights we owe to Allah Ta‘ala and the creation, as well as refrain from all sins and evils.
It is well known that the greater the sacrifice a person makes, the greater his reward will be by Allah Ta‘ala. Therefore, it is mentioned in one hadeeth that during the period close to Qiyaamah, when remaining steadfast upon Deen will be as difficult as holding onto a burning ember (due to the wrongs), if a person carries out a good deed (which is difficult to carry out due to the evils), then he will receive reward equivalent to that of fifty Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) carrying out the same good deed! (i.e. The reward of his action will be multiplied in quantity, not in quality, as no non-Sahaabi can match a Sahaabi in the quality of his actions) (Sunan Abi Dawood #4341)
Thus, we must all make an effort, to the best of our abilities, to uphold Deen in our lives and the lives of our families, together with making du‘aa for Allah Ta‘ala to safeguard us from the trials of the time.