Assalaamu ‘alaikum
Respected ‘Ulama
My niece behaves very badly and always wants everything to go her way. She tires her teacher at school to the extent that the teacher doesn’t want her in the class. She uses bad language at home and is not scared at all.
What are the possible solutions you may suggest?
Bismihi Ta‘ala
Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
Respected Sister
May Allah Ta‘ala make the child very obedient and well behaved and make her the coolness of the parents’ eyes in every respect. Insha-Allah, the following advice will be beneficial in dealing with her:
1. Try to befriend her. Do not ‘buy’ her love by spoiling her with material things (some small gifts occasionally is fine). Rather, adopt such a manner and approach with her that she feels comfortable. Include her in some light activities, etc.
2. Commence with the daily ta’leem of the Fazaail-e-Aa’maal and Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat (second half).
3. Make a point of acknowledging any good she does and at least a few times a day praise her for something.
4. Encourage her to recite much durood shareef. Tell her one virtue daily. Encourage her to keep a tasbeeh counter on her hand all the time and every now and again to recite durood shareef a few times.
5. The parents should earnestly recite the following du‘aas very consciously after every salaah:
6. Keep all devices away from her but without making it a fight.
7. Regularly give some sadaqah, even R1 daily, through her – i.e. give her the money to give to a poor person.
May Allah Ta‘ala assist and grant every type of goodness and blessings.
Answered by:
Uswatul Muslimah Panel of ‘Ulama