It often happens that the child misbehaves and is thus deserving of punishment. However, while one or both of the parents are expressing disapproval and wish to punish the child, the other parent or other parties (grandparents, etc.) laugh at the ‘performance’ of the child and try to protect the child. This is extremely detrimental as it confuses the moral compass of the child. The child is lead to understand that my behaviour is only disapproved in the eyes of my parents whereas others admire my antics. This encourages the child to ‘perform’ for his spectators and to also resent his parents for punishing him as he feels that his ill-behaviour is actually acceptable.

Furthermore, the child becomes cunning and realizes that he can get away with ill-behaviour in the presence of these ‘protectors’ and thus turns to them to continually undermine the authority of his parents.

It is thus essential that we do not, in any way, interfere when a parent metes out an appropriate punishment to their deserving child.