
Assalaamu ‘alaikum

Respected ‘Ulama

I have a problem with waswaas of wudhu and ghusl which troubles me a lot and thus I don’t like to engage in marital relations often. I also feel like I am lost Deen wise, because I doubt if my ‘ibaadah is correct or not. I know I should not be in despair but it is difficult.

Please kindly advise and kindly keep me in your du‘aas.


Bismihi Ta‘ala

Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

Respected Sister

1. The only remedy to unfounded doubts and waswasah is to ignore them. The more you give in to such waswasah, the more you will be hounded by them.

2. During wudhu, wash each limb thrice and rub the hand over the entire portion to be washed. Thereafter move on to the next limb and do not entertain any baseless doubts. If some doubt comes to mind, respond strongly by saying to yourself: “I will NOT repeat the washing. It is DEFINITELY washed.” Then recite ta‘awwuz (a‘oozu billahi…) and turn your attention away from the thought.

3. During ghusl, rinse under the shower for 2 minutes. Then soap from head to toe. Thereafter rinse in 2 minutes. If there is no soap to be seen anywhere, it means that every portion is washed. If any doubt still occurs, respond as mentioned in point 2 above.

4. You should not deny your husband his marital rights merely due to the waswasah issue. This will harm your marriage. Adopt the procedure mentioned above. Insha-Allah your ghusl will be done in under 10 minutes.

May Allah Ta‘ala assist you.

Answered by:

Uswatul Muslimah Panel of ‘Ulama