(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Aadam [‘alaihis salaam] #4)
Shaitaan was thrown out of Jannah and Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) lived peacefully in Jannah. However, Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) was lonely. He did not have a partner to give him company and comfort. So, Allah Ta‘ala created Sayyidah Hawwaa (‘alaihas salaam) from the left rib of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam).
Allah Ta‘ala then said to Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam), “O Aadam, you and your wife live peacefully in Jannah and eat whatever you like. There will not be hunger or thirst in Jannah. However, do not go near this tree, otherwise you will be from those who do wrong”. Allah Ta‘ala also told him that Shaitaan was their enemy and they should be careful of him.
Shaitaan was waiting for a chance to mislead Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam). He went to him as a friend and took an oath that he was sincere and wished well for him. He told him that Allah Ta‘ala only stopped them from eating from this tree because if they ate from it they will become angels and remain in Jannah forever.
Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) did not realize that Shaitaan was speaking lies and deceiving him. He forgot that Shaitaan was his enemy and he trusted him. He and his wife therefore ate from the tree. As soon as they tasted the fruit, their clothes fell off. Out of shame they began covering themselves with the leaves of the trees of Jannah.
Allah Ta‘ala said to them, “Did I not stop you from that tree and did I not tell you that Shaitaan is your open enemy? Now all of you should go down. The earth will be your place. You will live there for some time, you will die there and once again wake up from there (on the Day of Qiyaamah).”
Allah Ta‘ala also warned Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) that Shaitaan will always be his enemy and he should be careful of him. Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) was very sorrowful about the mistake that he made and begged Allah Ta‘ala to forgive him.
Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) was humble and begged Allah Ta‘ala for forgiveness when he made a mistake. Allah Ta‘ala forgave him and accepted his repentance. When we make a mistake, we should also be humble and beg Allah Ta‘ala to forgive us, like how our father, Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) had done.
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