1. If the guest will not be partaking of meals, he should inform the host in advance. If he does not do this, the host will prepare meals and thereafter be disappointed when the guest does not eat. Obviously, this causes great inconvenience to the host.

2. If the guest is going anywhere, he should first inform the host.

3. The guest should not accept an invitation for any meal without first asking the permission of the host.

4. The guest should not interfere in the household affairs and matters of the host.

5. If the guest needs to make a request for anything, he should do so with respect and humility. He should never be demanding and rude.

6. If the guest has any special dietary requirements (e.g. he is on a strict diet and cannot eat certain foods) then he should inform the host in advance so that the preparations can be made accordingly. He should not wait for the meal to be served and thereafter inform the host of his diet.

7. The guest should not place a request before the host that will put the host through difficulty. Hence, the guest should be considerate and thoughtful before making any request.

8. The guest should not take uninvited people with him to the home of the host.

9. If several varieties of food or dishes are served then the guest should partake of a little from each dish.