Sayyiduna Abu Sa‘eed Khudri (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The example of a believer and the example of imaan is like that of a horse whose rope is tied to a tie ring attached to the ground. The horse roams around, and thereafter it returns to its tie ring. Indeed, a believer (at times) becomes negligent (of Allah Ta‘ala, and falls into sin, but upon realizing his mistake, he immediately makes amends, and) then returns to imaan (i.e. he seeks taubah from Allah Ta‘ala for the sin he has committed and reforms his life). Therefore, feed your food to the pious, and (be kind to one and all, but) give preference to the believers with your kindness.” (Musnad Ahmad #11526)

In the hadeeth above, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) explained the example of a believer and his imaan. A believer is firmly attached and tied to his imaan, just as a horse is firmly attached and tied to the ring on which its tether (rope) is tied.

The horse may, at times, roam around, but ultimately, due to being tied, it will return to the tie ring. In the same way, a believer may sometimes get influenced and stray into haraam and sin, but due to his heart being entrenched in imaan, he will eventually come back by repenting sincerely and making amends.

Hence, if a person has imaan, there is hope that if he slips and falls into haraam and sin, then Allah Ta‘ala will assist him and grant him the taufeeq (ability) to repent and make amends.

Nevertheless, since it is one’s attachment to imaan that causes one to feel remorseful over one’s sins and assists one to make taubah, one should constantly make an effort to strengthen one’s imaan.

In this hadeeth we are shown two actions which will assist one to strengthen his imaan and keep him firm upon Deen:

The first action is to feed the pious. When a person feeds the pious, and they thereafter carry out righteous actions, then since they received nourishment and energy from the food which one had fed them, and this assisted them to carry out righteous actions, then one will have a share in the rewards of all their good deeds.

Furthermore, through feeding the pious, one will serve them, honour them, and benefit from their company which is part of the teachings of the sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Similarly, one will also receive their du‘aa which will undoubtedly be of benefit to one in this world and the next.

The second action which we are shown is for us to show kindness to the believers in general. While a person should show kindness to all of Allah Ta‘ala’s creation – even the disbelievers – one should direct one’s works of kindness more to the believers, as they are one’s brothers in Islam.

When showing kindness to disbelievers, one should ensure that one does not befriend them and become close to them. On the contrary, when showing kindness to the believers, then one’s kindness will be flavoured with love and compassion for them, as they are his brothers in imaan.

In essence, this hadeeth explains that in the event that we fall into sin by mistake, then we should immediately turn to Allah Ta‘ala in taubah (repentance), and we should make a concerted effort to strengthen our imaan by carrying out righteous actions – especially showing kindness to the pious servants of Allah Ta‘ala and the other believers in general.

May Allah Ta‘ala bless us with strong imaan, the divine ability to repent for our sins, and the love for the pious and the believers in our hearts, aameen.