Many questions are received with regard to physical fitness for females. The following question and answer serves as a reply in principle for all such questions.



I intend commencing a physical fitness programme for women, which will include walking daily, etc. The motivation is to fulfil the deeni requirement of taking care of one’s health, which is greatly neglected nowadays.


Assalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Respected Sister

The sharee‘ah has laid the fundamental principles from which the details are derived. The principles are clearly explained in the Quraan and Sunnah. Among them is the principle concerning the role and function of women as well as their contribution to society.

Furthermore, for the protection of the moral fabric of society in general and to maintain the purity and chastity of both men and women, the perfect deen of Islam has given the command to every person to adopt hayaa (modesty).

In order to facilitate both aspects – that is to enable women to fulfil their primary role and function as wives and mothers and to be true home-makers, as well as to uphold hayaa, the Quraan has given the following injunction to women: “And remain firmly within your homes” (Al-Ahzaab v33). Thus, without necessity, a woman should not emerge from the home. Whatever needs to be done should be done within the confines of the home, unless necessity dictates that she should emerge. If she has to emerge out of necessity, sharee‘ah has clearly defined the way she should emerge – fully covered in a way that does not attract any attention, etc.

A confusion that often occurs in the mind of many women is that almost all the senior ‘Ulama have approved and supported the participation of ladies in the ta’leem and other programmes of the Tabligh Jamaat. However, there is really no confusion in this regard. The ladies participation in these activities is purely for this purpose – that how can those women who have moved away from the fundamental principles and freely and casually roam the bazaars, attend high-schools and universities, have joined the men in the work place, etc, come back to fulfilling their real role at home and uphold the spirit of hayaa taught in the Quraan and Sunnah. In the process this also serves as a mobile Madrasah to teach the basics of deen to those who are unaware of it. However, there are nevertheless numerous sensitivities attached to this, hence it is always arranged, conducted and overseen by men who are familiar with the requirements and limits of deen. Thus the purpose here is to gradually bring women back to their roots and to highlight to them that living deen and upholding hayaa in its word and spirit is possible and achievable in this modern century.

While leaving the home for acquiring the knowledge of deen has a precedent in hadeeth, women leaving the home for physical fitness has no such precedent. Furthermore, though the intentions are noble, such formal and high focussed programs towards physical fitness and beauty may make many women think that this is the most important aspect in their lives. While maintaining one’s health is indeed very important, this must not be pursued at the expense of deen. Yet we find this becoming the priority in many women’s lives. Many start off with pure and sincere intentions, but in a short while they are power-walking on the streets, the nature of their attire in public changes, they are soon attending the gym and the slide into immorality then continues. In many instances husbands very grudgingly give in to these activities of their wives – only to keep the peace. Otherwise they are totally unhappy.

Therefore one should undertake a fitness program which could be done within the confines of the home. Insha-Allah one’s physical health will improve, while more importantly one’s spiritual health will also not be affected.

May Allah Ta‘ala guide us all to the straight path and enable us to always attain His pleasure. Aameen.

Answered by:

Panel of Ulama

Checked and approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee