There was once a master who asked his servant to bring him a melon. When the melon was brought and sliced before the master, he picked a slice and gave it to the servant who ate it with relish. The master, on seeing the enjoyment with which the servant was eating the slice, thought to himself, “The melon must be extremely sweet!” However, the moment he placed a slice in his mouth, he was forced to spit it out as it was extremely bitter! The master, wiping his mouth, turned to the servant and asked him, “How could you show so much of enjoyment over something so bitter?” The servant replied, “Master! You fed me the sweetest of dishes on countless occasions! How could I express dissatisfaction on this one, single occasion?”
If every couple can make this their mindset, then even when faced with the bitterest of experiences, the sweet memories of all their spouse’s virtues and favours, on all the other occasions, will assist them to overlook and forgive each other.