
Assalamu ‘alaikum.

I made lots of du‘aa so that I do not go to the mixed university in my country. My mum insists that I should go. And today, I have already completed one semester there though I hated that place! I feel suffocated there. But my parents want me to go there.

My question is: Although I made du‘aa, I’m still going there? Did Allah choose/want me to go there? And why would He want me to go to such a place? Is He angry with me?

I have always wanted to become an aalimah. Please enlighten me. I’m feeling so lost.


Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barkaatuh

Respected Sister

Firstly, we commend you on the hatred that you have for a filthy environment. May Allah Ta‘ala save you from all places of vice and sin.

Secondly, one needs to understand that du‘aa must be accompanied with the proper procedure. Allah Ta‘ala then grants blessings in that effort and makes things easy. If one keeps making du‘aa that one must not get burnt, but yet deliberately puts ones hand in the fire, obviously one will personally be responsible for this choice.

The correct procedure in this case was to very respectfully not give in to the pressure to go to university. This may have brought some challenges. However by continuing with du‘aa and remaining steadfast in the face of the challenge, Allah Ta‘ala’s help would come and create ease. It nevertheless requires one to remain patient.

Try to convince your parents to allow you to study deen. If that fails, ask to study via correspondence. For now, the least you can do is to totally fail all the subjects so that you are automatically sent out.

Keep making istighfaar excessively. Insha-Allah you will be given a way out.

Was salaam

Uswatul Muslimah Panel of ‘Ulama