(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Aadam [‘alaihis salaam] #5)

Allah Ta‘ala blessed Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) with many children. He had two sons named Haabeel and Qaabeel. Haabeel was a good person and always did what made Allah Ta‘ala happy. Qaabeel was a bad person and was very jealous of his brother, Haabeel.

Once, Allah Ta‘ala commanded Haabeel and Qaabeel to do something. Haabeel did it very nicely and happily, and it was accepted by Allah Ta‘ala. Qaabeel did not do it nicely, and Allah Ta‘ala did not accept it.

Qaabeel became jealous of his brother and very angry with him. He said to him, “I will kill you.” Haabeel explained to him that Allah Ta‘ala only accepts from those who are good. If you did what Allah Ta‘ala wanted in a nice way, He would have accepted yours also.

Haabeel was stronger than Qaabeel but he told him that if you try to kill me, I will not kill you. I fear Allah Ta‘ala, and do not want to do anything to displease Him. Qaabeel was very angry and killed his brother Haabeel. This shows us how bad it is to be jealous of others. It can make us do very evil things.

This was the first time someone was killed in the world. Therefore, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said that if anyone is killed unjustly, Qaabeel will also get part of the sin because he was the first person to kill unjustly. If a person does good and others follow him, he will be rewarded for the good. In the same way, if a person does bad and others follow him, he will also get a share of their sin.

After Qaabeel killed Haabeel he was confused. This was the first time someone passed away in the world. He saw the dead body in front of him but did not know what to do with it. Allah Ta‘ala sent a crow to show him what to do. The crow dug a hole and buried a dead crow in it. Qaabeel understood that he must do the same. So, he dug a hole and buried his brother Haabeel in it.

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