Assalaamu ‘alaikum
Respected ‘Ulama
I would like to inquire if it is fardh for a Muslim teenage girl to wear niqaab? If yes, then how should she go about doing it, considering the fact that her cousins and extended family are not that pious?
Bismihi Ta‘ala
Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
Respected Sister
Concealing oneself when in the presence of any non-mahram is very necessary and a requirement of Deen. Therefore one must adopt the niqaab in the presence of non-mahrams.
When the environment in a home or family is not conducive, to take a step in the right direction does become challenging. However, the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. Such people become the friends of Allah Ta‘ala. Furthermore, the one who initially takes the step forward and makes the sacrifice will receive the rewards of all those who will insha-Allah follow in his footsteps.
Do the following which will insha-Allah help you to take the first step:
1. Offer 4 rakaats nafl salaah with the intention of Salaatul Haajah.
2. Make istighfaar 100 times.
3. Recite Durood Shareef 100 times.
4. Make earnest du‘aa for at least 5 minutes and beg Allah Ta‘ala for help to adopt full purdah. Beg Him for ease in this very noble endeavour.
5. Write a very nicely and respectfully worded message to some immediate family members who are more mature and level-headed. State that you are very weak and trying to take a few steps to improve in your Deen. Add the line “I don’t know how long I have to live. So many people are passing away so young, so I have to start now.” Then state that you have decided to adopt purdah and the niqaab. You are requesting their du‘aas and support.
6. Once you take the step, remain calm and steadfast. Do not be deterred by any negative remarks or comments. Do not get into any argument or debate with anyone. Simply continue quietly and do not pay attention to those who are discouraging you. Allah Ta‘ala is with you.
May Allah Ta‘ala assist you.
Answered by:
Uswatul Muslimah Panel of ‘Ulama