(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Hood [‘alaihis salaam] #02)

Nabi Hood (‘alaihis salaam) invited his people to Allah Ta‘ala. He explained to them that they were wasting their time building huge castles and palaces as they will not live in this world forever. He also told them not to be harsh to others.

Nabi Hood (‘alaihis salaam) told the people to make taubah and ask Allah Ta‘ala to forgive them. He explained to them that if they worshipped Allah Ta‘ala alone, then Allah Ta‘ala will bless them with even more wealth and make them even stronger. He also told them that if they did not obey Allah Ta‘ala, then Allah Ta‘ala will punish them.

A few people listened to Nabi Hood (‘alaihis salaam) and believed in Allah Ta‘ala. However, most of the people of ‘Aad did not listen to Nabi Hood (‘alaihis salaam). They continued to worship their idols. They told him that he was wasting his time warning them. They also told him to bring the punishment if he was truthful. They were proud and said, “Who is stronger than us?” They forgot that Allah Ta‘ala, The One Who created them, was much stronger and powerful than them.

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