1. Musaafahah refers to clasping the hands.
2. It is sunnah to make musaafahah after making salaam. Hence, one should not merely make musaafahah without making salaam.
3. Musaafahah should be made with two hands.
4. Musaafahah should be made on arrival and on departure.
5. Musaafahah should not be accompanied by any other unfounded practice e.g. kissing cheeks, twisting thumbs, etc.
6. If a person is carrying something, suffice on making salaam and do not inconvenience the person by trying to make musaafahah with him.
7. Similarly, if a person is busy or is rushing, do not inconvenience him by making musaafahah with him.
8. A woman should not greet or make musaafahah with men who are not her mahram.