(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Hood [‘alaihis salaam] #01)

Many years ago, there was a nation called ‘Aad. The people of ‘Aad were very strong and tall. They were like giants. Allah Ta‘ala made them so strong and clever that they could carve out huge houses and pillars in the mountains. They built an entire city which was called Iram.

Allah Ta‘ala blessed them with lots of wealth, animals and children. He also blessed them with many orchards and springs. Allah Ta‘ala made them so strong and blessed them with so many favours but they were ungrateful. They did not appreciate the favours of Allah Ta‘ala.

They committed sins and were bad to other people. The people of ‘Aad did not worship Allah Ta‘ala and did not obey Him. They worshipped idols who could not help them in any way.

Allah Ta‘ala sent Nabi Hood (‘alaihis salaam) as a prophet to them. He told them to worship Allah Ta‘ala alone and that there is no one who can be worshipped besides Him.

The people called him a madman and a liar. He explained to them that he was not mad. He was a truthful and trustworthy messenger of Allah Ta‘ala. He did not want any money or wealth from them. He was only worried about them.

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