(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Saalih [‘alaihis salaam] #01)

A very long time ago, in the land of Arabia, there lived a nation called Thamood. Allah Ta‘ala blessed the nation of Thamood with many favours and bounties. He blessed them with lush gardens and springs. He also blessed them with huge farms and date orchards.

Allah Ta‘ala made them very strong and intelligent. They would carve huge, beautiful homes in the mountains.

Like the people of ‘Aad, they too worshipped idols. Allah Ta‘ala sent Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) to the people of Thamood as a Nabi. He told them to worship Allah Ta‘ala alone and that there is no one who can be worshipped besides Allah Ta‘ala.

He also told them that he was the Nabi of Allah Ta‘ala. He did not want any money or reward from them.

The people did not listen to Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam). They mocked him and told him that if he was a true Nabi, he should bring a miracle to show that he is not speaking lies.

One day when they were all gathered and Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) was advising them, they told Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) that they will believe in him if he brought a camel from a rock. They also explained in detail the type of camel that should come out of the rock; how tall it should be, how fat it should be and how old it should be.

Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) asked them that if a camel came out from the rock as they described, will they bring imaan and believe in Allah Ta‘ala alone? They replied that they will do so. Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) then performed salaah and made du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala to grant their wish. Allah Ta‘ala answered his du‘aa and commanded the rock to split open and produce a camel as the people had described.

When the camel appeared, the people were shocked. This was a clear proof that Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) was speaking the truth and he was not a liar. Many people accepted the message of Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) and believed in Allah Ta‘ala, but most of the people were stubborn and did not listen to him.

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