Did you ever battle to find a place in the kitchen cupboards for the latest dinner set purchase, or the new Tupperwares?
Did you ever stand before your wardrobe before a function and find yourself at a loss regarding what to wear, simply because your collection was so extensive?
If your answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, then you need to stop and ask yourself the following questions:
“Is the wealth which I possess truly MINE or is it merely a trust from Allah Ta‘ala regarding which I will be held accountable?”
“Did I buy these items because I needed them or did I buy them on impulse or to keep up with the latest fashion and trend?”
“Could I have done without these items? If yes, then what stopped me from rather giving some of the money in sadaqah to the poor?”
Remember! Islam allows us to use and enjoy the bounties of this world. However, Islam does not allow extravagance and waste. If we use the bounties of Allah Ta‘ala without being wasteful and express gratitude to Him, these same bounties will both give us satisfaction and enjoyment and also become a means of us earning reward.