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Kaleji (Liver) Curry
1 onion diced
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cloves
3 black pepper
4 elachi
1½ Tbsp ginger garlic
½ tsp turmeric
1 Tbsp chilli powder
1 tsp crushed green chilli …
Expression of Submission when Slaughtering
Imagine eating a mango that has no sweetness whatsoever… It may look like a mango, feel like a mango, the texture may even be the same, but it would just not seem right. This is because the essence of the mango is not found – its taste. In a very like manner, all the acts of worship that a believer carries out has an essence and spirit with which it ought to be carried out. Hence, if they are carried out …
Chain Reaction of Good
Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) was initially a slave. His master had once taken him to the marketplace to sell him. However, whenever anyone showed interest in purchasing him, Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) first asked him, “What would you do with me? (i.e. what work would you make me do?)” The buyer would then explain his reason for purchase hearing which Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) would request him not to purchase him.
This continued until a man came by and showed …
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