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More Generous than the Generous One

Inspirational Incidents|

Sayyiduna Qais (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was the son of Sayyiduna Sa’d bin ‘Ubaadah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), the leader of the Khazraj tribe in Madeenah Munawwarah. His generosity was proverbial amongst his contemporaries and many incidents of his generosity are mentioned in the books of history. (Usdul Ghaabah vol. 3, pg. 497 and Siyaru Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol. 3, pg. 107)

Sayyiduna Qais bin Sa’d (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) was once asked. “Have you ever met anyone more generous than yourself?” He replied in …

Master Misers

Lighter Side|

Miserliness and greed are two evil qualities that bring a person disgrace in this world and in the next. Below are some incidents of ‘master misers’ who made every effort to avoid sharing with others:

The Misers of Marw

It is mentioned that people from the land of Marw were renowned for their stinginess. Such was their stinginess that it was their habit, when traveling in a group, that each traveller would purchase his own piece of meat. Each …

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