Correspondence of Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahimahullah) with his Daughter – Introduction
One of the daughters of Shaikhul Hadeeth, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelwi (rahimahullah) was married to Moulana In‘aamul Hasan (rahimahullah), the third ameer of the effort of tableegh. He had once fallen very ill which had lasted for over two years. His wife had to be at his side to see to him. Thus she remained in Kandhla for that entire duration, away from her family who were in Saharanpur.
In that time period, her father, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahimahullah) continued to write letters to her, in order to give her the support and courage that she needed. He also highlighted to her the importance of nursing her ailing husband and of constantly turning to Allah Ta‘ala and engaging in virtuous deeds.
At times, we too are faced with situations which call for words of consolation and encouragement. Translated below are some extracts from the various letters that he had written to his daughter. It is hoped that these words would rekindle the flame of hope within us and remove all thoughts and feelings of despondency.
These letters further explain the important role that a parent needs to play in encouraging his/her daughter to be of service to her husband.
(to be continued)