(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Aadam [‘alaihis salaam] #3)
Allah Ta‘ala commanded the angels to make sajdah to Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam). All of them made sajdah to him except one jinn, named Iblees.
Iblees used to worship Allah Ta‘ala all the time and was very pious, but he made a very big mistake. He thought that he was too great and does not have to obey this command of Allah Ta‘ala. Today we call that jinn ‘Shaitaan’.
He heard the command of Allah Ta‘ala, but did not make sajdah. Allah Ta‘ala asked him, “What stopped you from making sajdah when I commanded you?” Shaitaan replied, “I am better than him. You created me from fire, and created him from sand. (When I am better than him, why should I make sajdah to him?)”
Allah Ta‘ala was very angry with him and said, “Get out from here (Jannah), you are thrown out.”
Shaitaan was so proud that he did not feel bad about his wrong, and he did not repent. Rather, he took an oath that he would misguide the children of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam). He would cause them to disobey Allah Ta‘ala and make them do whatever they want. He did not want them to enjoy Jannah whilst he suffers in Jahannam.
Being proud and not listening to this one command of Allah Ta‘ala made Shaitaan earn the anger of Allah Ta‘ala. Therefore, we must always try to be like the angels and listen to Allah Ta‘ala. In this way, we will become His beloved ones.
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