There was a man from the Banu Israaeel named Kifl who would not desist from sins and evil. Rather, he would commit any sin he wished without any hesitation or reservation.
Once, he paid a woman sixty dinaars (gold coins) to fulfil his desires with her. However, when he drew close to her (to commit the sin), he found her trembling and weeping. He asked her, “Why are you crying? Did I force you to do this?” The woman replied, “No, (you did not force me,) but I am crying because I have never committed this sin before in my life. I am only doing it now because I am desperate (and have no other way to acquire money).”
When Kifl heard this, he remarked in surprise, “You are doing this (out of desperation), and have never done it before?” He then said to her, “You may go, and keep the money as well.”
Kifl thereafter repented saying, “No, by Allah! Never again will I disobey Allah Ta‘ala!”
That night, Kifl passed away. The following morning, the people found the following words written on the door of his home, “Allah has certainly forgiven Kifl.”
Note: The reporter of this hadeeth, Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma), narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mentioned this incident to the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) on so many occasions that he had personally heard it more than seven times from Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).
(Sunan Tirmizi #2496)
1. Despite committing countless sins throughout his life, Kifl repented at the very end, acquiring the forgiveness of Allah Ta‘ala and securing salvation. Thus, no matter how many sins we have committed, or how many years we have spent leading lives of sin, it is never too late to repent and change. The mercy of Allah Ta‘ala is so vast and limitless that He may readily forgive even a thousand years’ worth of sins if He wishes. Hence, we should never despair of His mercy.
2. Kifl led a life of sin, but by sincerely repenting before his death, his lifetime of sins was erased. Conversely, it sometimes happens that a person leads a life of righteousness, but then falls into sin just before passing away, due to which he undergoes difficulties in the Hereafter. Thus, we should never be so brave and commit sins, thinking that we will repent later, as ‘later’ may never come. Furthermore, since we do not know which day will be our last, we should engage in sincere repentance daily, especially before sleeping at night.
3. Showing kindness and mercy to the creation is an action that is beloved to Allah Ta‘ala and draws His special mercy. Kifl had the desperate woman at his mercy and could have taken advantage of her. Instead, he showed her mercy by allowing her to leave as well as giving her the money. It was perhaps on account of this action that Allah Ta‘ala accepted the repentance of Kifl and forgave him.