The Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) were supported with the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala. Hence there were many occasions where they encountered the enemy who swiftly retreated and fled after being on the battlefield for just a short while.
On one occasion, the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) were victorious against the Roman army. When the defeated army returned to Hercules (the Roman leader who was in Antioch), he exclaimed, “Woe to you! Inform me of these people whom you encountered in battle. Are they not humans, the same as you?” The soldiers submitted, “Certainly, they are.” Hercules then asked, “Were you greater in number or did they outnumber you?” “No! We vastly outnumbered them at every instance!” admitted the soldiers. Hercules finally asked, “Then what is the matter with you? Why is it that you always suffer defeat when you encounter them?”
On hearing this question, one of their leaders, who was advanced in age, replied, “The reason is that they perform salaah the entire night and fast during the day, they fulfil their promises, enjoin righteousness, forbid from evil and they exercise justice with one another. We, on the other hand, drink wine, fornicate, perpetrate all forms of forbidden actions, break our promises, wrongfully snatch the wealth of people, oppress others, enjoin that which draws the wrath of Allah Ta‘ala and prohibit that which draws His pleasure, and we spread corruption and mischief in the earth.”
When Hercules heard this answer, he acknowledged that it was correct and said, “What you have told me is the truth.”
(Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah vol. 7, pg. 157)
1. Every single system, means and power in the world is under the control of Allah Ta‘ala. If a person has the divine assistance and support of Allah Ta‘ala, he will fear no enemy and every enemy will fear him. Such a person will be successful in every walk of life as he perpetually carries with him the assistance of Allah Ta‘ala. On the contrary, when a person commits sins and distances himself from the mercy and help of Allah Ta‘ala, then the effect of being deprived of Allah Ta‘ala’s divine assistanceis immediately seen, as this person becomes fearful and cowardly and is easily overawed by a display of power and means.
2. Any adverse conditions which we undergo such as crime, natural and man-made disasters, etc., are all a result of us committing such sins that draw the wrath and anger of Allah Ta‘ala. Instead of treating the symptoms, let us treat the root cause and repent to Allah Ta‘ala for all our sins and firmly resolve to bring about a change in our lives.
3. While the apparent means within the limits of sharee‘ah will be adopted, these means will be of no avail and will not bring the desired outcome if they are not accompanied by the real means – the spirituality and obedience which draws divine assistance. Therefore, the latter is of greater importance and should be given priority.