(Abu Muslim Al-Khawlaani [rahimahullah] #3)
On one occasion, the wife of Abu Muslim Khawlaani (rahimahullah) said to him, “O Abu Muslim! We do not have any flour!” Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) asked her, “Do you have any money?” She replied, “I have one dirham (silver coin) which we earned through selling yarn.” Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) instructed, “Hand me the dirham and give me a sack.”
Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) thereafter proceeded to the market and approached a man who was selling food. At that moment, however, a beggar also arrived and stood before Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) imploring, “O Abu Muslim! Give me some charity!”
As Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) only had the one dirham and there was no food at home, he turned and fled from the beggar, arriving at another food stall. The beggar, however, followed him and continued to call out to him. Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) thus fled for a third time and went to a third stall, but the persistent beggar followed him and continued imploring him for charity.
Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) finally relented and gave him the dirham. Then, not wanting to take an empty sack home, he filled it with sawdust and sand and returned. When he reached the door of his home, he was reluctant to enter as he did not have any food to give his wife. Not knowing what else to do, he knocked on the door, and when his wife opened it, he gave her the bag, turned and left.
His wife, oblivious to what had transpired, took the bag, and on opening it, found it full of white flour! She thus prepared the dough and baked the bread.
After a short portion of the night had passed, Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) returned home and knocked on the door. When he entered, she spread the tablecloth and placed loaves of bread before him. Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) was surprised and asked, “Where did you get this bread?” She replied, “O Abu Muslim, from the flour that you brought.” When Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) heard this, he began to eat the bread as he wept in gratitude to Allah Ta‘ala.
(Sifatus Safwah vol. 2, pg. 371)
1. Sadaqah (charity) will never decrease a person’s wealth. Rather, it brings barakah(blessings). At times, these blessings may be witnessed immediately, while at other times, they may be seen years later.
2. Every person’s sustenance has been written and preordained. Since it was decreed that Abu Muslim (rahimahullah) would enjoy bread, even though he had no money and no flour, he still enjoyed the meal of bread. Similarly, our sustenance, down to the last cent and morsel, has been decreed and cannot change. Hence, we cannot control the amount of wealth that we earn and enjoy. However, we can choose to earn it and spend it in a halaal By doing this, we will receive the exact same wealth – but with the blessings and happiness of Allah Ta‘ala.
3. The pious friends of Allah Ta‘ala have such a bond and relationship with Allah Ta‘ala that He always cares for them and makes divine arrangements for them.