(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Saalih [‘alaihis salaam] #02)

The people of Thamood had asked for a camel to be brought out from the rock. So Allah Ta‘ala allowed this to happen and made it a test for them.

Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) told his people that this camel is the camel of Allah Ta‘ala. It was a sign that he was speaking the truth and not a liar. Then too, most of the people did not believe in him.

Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) told them to leave the camel to graze in the land of Allah Ta‘ala. They did not have to feed it or look after it. Allah Ta‘ala will take care of it and see to its needs.

He also told them they should not cause any harm to it. If they harmed it, then Allah Ta‘ala would punish them severely.

This camel was not an ordinary camel. It was very large in size. When it would walk, all the other animals would get frightened and run away.

The camel would graze the land and eat the leaves. When the camel would drink water, all the water would get finished. There would be no water left for the people and the other animals. So, the camel would drink water on one day and the people of Thamood and their animals would use the water the next day.

On the day that the camel would drink water, it would produce so much of milk that was enough for the entire nation of Thamood to drink. The milk of the camel was very sweet and tasty.

After some time, the disbelievers decided that they wanted to use the water every day. They did not want the camel to drink on one day and finish up all the water. So, they did not listen to the warning of Nabi Saalih (‘alaihis salaam) and decided to kill the camel.

Two men from the disbelievers were offered a reward if they killed the camel. They agreed to do so. Therefore, they got seven more people to join them and this group of nine people went to kill the camel. The rest of the tribe encouraged them and cheered them on as they carried out this evil plan.

They waited for the camel to come out of its enclosure so they could catch it by surprise. When the camel came out, one of them shot the camel’s leg with an arrow. The next person then ran forward and struck the camel with his sword. When the camel fell down, he stabbed it in the throat causing it to die.

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