(Ambiyaa [‘alaihimus salaam] Series – Nabi Nooh [‘alaihis salaam] #3)
Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) took many years to build the ship. When the ship was ready, Allah Ta‘ala commanded him to take his family and all those who believed in Allah Ta‘ala onto the ship. He also told him to take one pair (a male and female) of every living animal and creature. Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) did as Allah Ta‘ala had commanded.
When they were all on the ship, with the command of Allah Ta‘ala, water began pouring down heavily from the skies and gushing from the earth. The entire earth was flooded with water. The water came in huge waves and reached even the highest mountains. No one survived besides those who were on the ship with Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam). This was the punishment of Allah Ta‘ala so no one could escape. All the disbelievers drowned.
One of the sons of Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) did not go on the ship with his father and remained with the disbelievers. Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) told him to board the ship so he could be saved from the punishment of Allah Ta‘ala. However, he told Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) that he will climb up a mountain and the water will not reach him. Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) explained to him that only Allah Ta‘ala can protect him but he did not listen. A huge wave came and drowned him as well.
When all the disbelievers were destroyed, Allah Ta‘ala commanded the earth to swallow the water and the skies to stop raining. The water went away and the ship settled on a mountain called Joodiyy.
Allah Ta‘ala then told Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) to leave the ship and come back onto the land. Allah Ta‘ala gave him and his people lots of blessings for many years thereafter.
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